The \PBLIBx & \PBBINx structure supercedes the HNR stuff uploaded on May 1. The content is roughly the same, but the unit names have all been changed (utility - PATCHFIL), and the directory structure is somewhat different. I am structuring the upload in two pieces. PBLIB1 - All the sources & docs. PBBIN1 - All the TPUs end EXEs - unnecessary if our compilers are compatible. I am expecting feedback and code contributions and expect to do a PBLIB2 in mid-July. I expect upgrades from now on to be 98% compatable - and the other 2% should be PATCHFIL compatable name changes. If you use OPRO or other libraries, please let me know about conflicts. I am personally avoiding non-PD code for distribution reasons, but I respect other design decisions. Errata. 1. Compiling DB ran into an "Error 1 - Out of Memory" - I had to add /L to have the link buffer placed on disk. 2. UNITSCAN - needs XPROCS.pas and XUNITS.pas which are created by DBPASGEN. I haven't resolved the installation logic for programs which require other programs in this way. I think I will ignore UNITSCAN in PBLIB1. (UNITSCAN scans unit sources and creates a dbf file of procedures and functions which makes a handy reference list.)